team Development


Accredited Team Management Systems (TMS) practitioner in both Team Management Profile (TMP) and Opportunities-Obstacles (QO2) profiling tool.

TMP provides the knowledge required to improve work performance at an individual and team level. Participants learn about the eight critical Types of Work they need to do to be effective in any job. They also learn communication strategies to get the most out of themselves and others.

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QO2 is a unique tool that determines the balance of effort people put into seeing opportunities and obstacles and therefore how they are likely to approach risk. Participants get personalised feedback on how they respond to new situations and change, solve problems, focus on goals and, how they view time.

I work with you to develop and deliver a solution that will assist staff to better understand and interact with each other and their colleagues and customers in the workplace.


Emotional intelligence

Accredited trainer with Six Seconds, the Introduction to Emotional Intelligence (EI) workshop offers participants techniques to improve their self-awareness and awareness of others to enhance interactions in the workplace; and their own self-development.

The program works through three key components:

  • Know yourself >> what you do > action

  • Choose yourself >> how you do it > choice

  • Give yourself >> why you do it > purpose

Leadership Essentials

There’s many facets of leadership integrated into all of our interactions, communication and workplace culture. To maximise engagement, connection and sharing on an individual and peer group level the Leadership Essentials program is structured into three key modules of self-leadership; people leadership; and management.


Emerging and future leaders are equipped with skills and techniques to help them develop effective working relationships and have successful interactions with others; communicate key messages to suit different audiences; recognise and model desired leadership behaviours; and provide leadership, direction and guidance including giving and receiving purposeful feedback.

Bite-sized sessions

A range of bespoke short lunchtime learning style sessions are available.

Chat to me about any other topics you have in mind for your team.

Sessions can be face to face, virtual or pre-recorded.

The Power of Networking

Explores how you can make the most of who you are to make an impact on others in your interactions, not just in a networking setting, but in your daily interactions.

Communication Skills Essentials

Suited to entry level staff who will learn key skills that enable effective communication between people including behaviour; verbal communication; Non-verbal communication; listening; collaboration; and giving and receiving feedback. Participants leave with a toolkit to help with practice and embedding of learning back in the workplace.

Resilience through times of change

The purpose of this session is to provide mechanisms to support team culture and individual behaviours; and enhance collaborative and supportive way of working during times of reform and change. This session explores techniques for supporting each other; stress management; motivation; and sustainability. Attendees are given tools to takeaway for self-reflection and sharing with their teams.

Get in touch

All sessions are customised to meet your needs and can be delivered face to face or virtually. Content can be delivered as a full program or be customised into bite-sized modules.

Let’s chat about your specific training needs.